I would like to extend a huge thank you to delboysdarts for the prize contributions to the Darts Sweepstakes over at www.paulwilliamsdarts.co.uk. It was a terrific contribution and I am very grateful to his generosity. The sweeps that Nick Williams runs is a nice contribution to the ODC and it is the prizes offered by delboysdarts and gazza and Unicorn and others that adds to its unique character, and we are all the richer for it. So Thank you Delboy.
The prizes I got from delboysdarts are terrific. I got a set of 26 gram Ruthless Ringed darts, as well as 9 sets of white standard flights. Also were two standard flights with a robot head on them. I don't know what happened to the third, but the pckage was damaged so it may have fallen out in the post.

I took a look around delboys website to see all the great changes he made earlier in the year. It looks like he has expanded his inventory quite a bit adding a lot of the most sought after Unicorn products, but still keeping all of his regular darts. He also has a dart that I have never seen anywhere else, and that is Kong's signature dart:

The coolest thing about his site, in my opinion, is his shipping policy. If you are already in the UK then you will note that he has free shipping for all orders, otherwise, as long as you are ordering at least 50 GBP worth of stuff he has free shipping worldwide!! That makes it easy. I know I can shop there, even from the USA, and not get killed on shipping. Besides, when I place an online order it is often more than 50 GBP worth. As of today, 50 GBP = 87.07 USD.
Also take note of his personalized flights. You can do text or graphics and I am thinking about putting together a personalized flights order for my dart team next time I make an order. Once we finally get out team shirts desiged I may have some flights made to match. That would be cool, esspecially if you can have pictures put on pear shaped flights.
Delboysdart.com contributed selflessly to the sweepstakes, making the entire online dart community all the richer for it. Next time you want to order darts or supplies, please consider repaying his generosity by ordering from him. His webssite can be found here:
Good stuff from you and your sponsors. You're really making a contribution to the ODC.
Those "Kong's signature darts" really caught my eye. In 26 or 27 grms they'd be an option for me, so what weight are they?
These guys are not my sponsors. They just happened to offer prizes for the sweeps and I wanted to try and throw some business their way as a thank you. Karma begets Karma, if you know what I mean. The Kongs are 22 grams only. Not sure why. I thought they were good looking darts too. If they came in 24 I would consider them for a future purchase.
Hi, Kongs only come in 22grams as they are his custom darts. To checkout Robbie site try www.Kong501.com robbie is sponsored by unicorn and a fantastic emerging talent within the PDC.
Thanks for the link! I have seen his site banner in Ricky's 100 dart sites but I don't think I have been. I have also seen his picture around the net. You gave me an idea... I am going to have a blog post dedicated to dart links (lol) and backdate it. More on this later.
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