The winter break between league seasons is a good time to make good. Make good on promises, that is. And I have a couple that I need to enforce. I promised myself I would take a break from darts and as you can see from the pic to the right this is exactly what I am doing. In fact, I am enforcing that promise by removing my dartboard from the wall for a while.
But there is another reason to remove the dartboard from my backboard other than to remove the temptation to pick up a dart and throw it. Indeed, I have hinted to someone special to me that I would like a new dartboard for christmas. So if this comes to pass then I will have a good excuse to put a board back up. Otherwise, I have a different timeline in mind. You see, there is another non-dart related promise I have been thinking about.
I have been working with linux for a few years now and I have decided it is high time to get some sort of certification to prove I am proficient and wise in the ways of linux. Doing so will (should) improve my standing at work as well as provide a bit of satisfaction. SO if that Unicorn Eclipse doesn't find its way down my chimney this year, the board will stay down long enough to study up for an exam or two.
Sorry to hear your taking a break. I always enjoy checking your blog for new posts.
I'll have to get some contact info for your girlfriend so she gets you that Eclipse board. I wouldn't want you away from darts for too long. ;)
Good luck with the certs. I've been meaning to crack down and get a few out of the way as well.
I'm not taking a break from blogging! Or even from thinking about darts and new designs and new perl scripts for randomizing practice, etc! Just from the throwing...
Glad you enjoy the blog, and don't worry about the contact info. My *hint* was sufficiently detailed that she will have no probs.
What certs are you working on?
Certs that are more geard towards networking. Right now it is the CCNA. I've thought about the MCSE a few times but I work in an open source house. It would be kind of useless at this time.
Good luck with the break. I'm certain you'll get the new board and make a return with renewed interest.
Thanks Tommo. I have been throwing on a second hand board for two or three years now and I am looking forward to a new one. I bought the current Bandit I am throwing on from my old dart bar after she had been used a couple seasons. The only other board on which I have had FDP ~~ 'Prima Runa' to the Romans, is a paper-wound jobby that lives in my basement.
Why are so many darters computer people... I am too... Web Programmer for a bank...
Eric at sewa-darts is a computer guy to (I think)...
And I am glad to hear you will keep blogging about darts...
I am pretty sure that is an illusion. The darters that we encounter online are computer people (to some extent) but then EVERYONE you encounter online is a computer person (to some extent). If you go into a bar on league night and start asking people what they do, I think you'd get a more realistic impression of the percentage of darters who are tech savvy...
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