Tonight's match felt great. We played against Team Drinks which was the fourth place team and we beat them handily but they put up a good fight and they are all good people to boot. The evening started out well. We won all five of our singles 01 matches and I was pitted against their captain, easily the best player on their team and I won. I was a little surprised as he is their best player and I think in the past he has had his wicked way with me on many occasions. But tonight I bested him the at least two tons and a decisive first dart out. That felt good and for me it set the tone of the evening. Then when I met him again in cricket he opened a can of whoop ass and despite a semi-heroic five bull round to catch up to him he still won. Good for him. He is a good guy and I think he should be proud of his teams accomplishments this year. Once we were done with the singles games I believe the evening was 7-3. By the time we got to the first doubles cricket game we won the match.
As I was pulling into the driveway, and whether or not I should have been driving is questionable, I got a text from the tavern rep indicating that at the other semi-finals match the third place team bested the second place team. This is good for us. The second place team almost beat us the last time we met them and I felt like they had a real chance against us in the finals. The third place team, tho, should put up less of a fight as far as I am concerned. They have one bat and I know how to take it away ;)

The above pic is the darts I used tonight. The set with the red stripes is the primary set and the 21 gram Magnums were the go to set for when the main set felt weak. Tonight though I almost used them interchangeably. I felt good all nifty so there was not the constant changing of darts that I sometimes fall into when I am simply not hitting my targets.
The Peter Evison darts are nice, used to have a set, kinda wish I had not given them to a teammate. Good luck next week.
Hi OC, long time no hear from!! I hope you are doing well. As it happens, I am enjoying the Evisons less than I thought I would. Would you want to trade anything for them? As I recall you've got some interesting darts in your collection. Some old GT's, too, right?
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