I hit hat tricks often enough now that I am no longer tempted to take a picture of every single one. In fact not many shots excite me any more. But tonight I hit two Hat Tricks back to back. The first picture is actually from a practice session last night, and tonight I didn't whip out the camera until I hit that second Trick. So my back to back Tricks toght were both with the Red/Blue/Yellow flight combo, where as the clear flight was a previous CPC. I am not sure if these photos are oriented correctly. I think the one from yester day may need to be flipped around one way or another but I cannot remember.
Zeeple, I think by ADO rules, a hat trick is 3 corks/double bulls. Actually, not sure if its ADO or just our local league rule.
Really? That's interesting. I have always distinguished between a hat trick and a dead-eye. The dead-eye being a six count on bulls. A hat-trick merely being a 3, 4 or 5 count, where all the darts are at least in the green.
What you refer to as a Dead-Eye, I've heard it called a "Black Hat"... I wish there were a place a person could find a comprehensive "jargon" post of Dart Terminology.
I believe that a dead-eye is a 6 count in the bulls i.e. three double bulls. I think that there are several good jargon lists/sites out there but a consensous would certainly be welcome! My definition of Dead-eye has been seconded by a friend in Seattle so I am pretty sure that is accurate.
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