These are not my darts, but they are for sale. They were designed and lathed by the same guy who made my new set of darts. They are quite nice looking, in my humble opinion, and have the kind of strong taper found darts like the GT which are moving point darts (only). The darts pictured are 22.5 grams in weight and are fixed point, but I think he'd be willing to do the same dart in moving point if that is your preference. In fact his moving points are also quite special. They are his own design.
Very nice! How can I (we) find out how much?
Not sure to be honest. I could post his contact info here but I am not sure how he'd feel about that. I'll ask him, but if you end up buying darts from him please let me know. And if you contact him, even to ask him about his products or services, please let him know you came by way of The Dart Indoors. Thanks!
I also might be interested in these darts. Maybe you could forward my email address or send the guys contact informations. info@shanemacgowan.de
Thanks Juergen
With his endorsement I am going to post his contact info and a few pics of what he has to offer in the next post. Perhaps later today I will have somthing for you all.
An intersting design. How do you replace the shafts? It looks like an all in one dart. Does it use the GT3 size shaft? Or a 2BA?
The shafts are replacable but he has a pretty unique and interesting system. I posted a bit about it yesterday in a recentl blog. You can see the shafts removed close up in some of the pics.
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