Tuesday, November 29, 2005

How To Order Pickups:

Howdy Ynz. I'd like to draw your attention to the new sidebar on the right side of this blog page: =====>

This is a section of quicklinks related to Jeff Pickup and some of the work he has done. People very often ask me how they can get the darts they see in the blog and if Jeff can do this, or Jeff can do that. The answer is always yes, of course.

If you like the darts you see and want to buy some please let Jeff know what you are looking for, what changes you'd prefer on the darts (he doesn't make it till you order it - and all sets are somewhat unique). Just make sure he knows you saw his stuff on my blog. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Zeeple evey time I log on to your
site, I keep seeing Jeff's stuff
And my mouth waters. If my next sets of darts aren't up to my liking I'm going to think about ordering my darts to my liking, First I got to think on how I want them and the money.

Zeeple said...

I hear you kdog. The standard fare you see in the stores and online isn't much to get thrilled about. I am ALWAYS thinking about the next design and I have a couple I am almost ready to send his way... Next time you throw your fav set, ask yourself what you'd rather have different about them.

Anonymous said...

Zeeple I know what you mean. The bad thing is that, beside the standard fare in darts there are to many out there that I like be it shape or knurl. At this point one thing is that I think that I'm going back to MP. don't get me wrong I have set of FP but the don't feel right. The set of MP I have are the GT3s which I like expect the collet, which seems to fimsy and brittle, I want a good collet, like the ones on Jeff's site, I have a set of Power Points on the way should be here Thursday, I'll let you know how I did. I'll try to send you my darts as soon as I get the rest 4 set total.

Zeeple said...

Sweet. You know I have a pick of some GT3's wearing Jeff's Moving Points, right? Here it is:


I have a set of powerpoints too but I don't like them that much and I have offered them up for trade. The grip is okay but the barrel shap leaves too much to be desired. Looking forward to your pics.

Zeeple said...

Looks like the link may have been cut off some. The post is just a couple back though and it is called Pickup Points.