Monday, June 27, 2005

Robin Hood

It's just a bit sad when the only thing to come out of a round of practice is an interesting photo. Here's a tribute to stem springs, though: Despite the Robin Hood, the shaft was completely undamaged.

As always, click the image for a larger picture.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure those springs are helping you, other than saving some small costs on replacement stems. I prefer the flights to be jetisoned if the dart catches another dart on the way to the board. Are you sure the springs give you any benefits?

Zeeple said...

That is an interesting point Tommo. I still believe the springs are useful, though. In the event of a collision it saves me a shaft which is nice, and it keeps the flights on snug. I have never seen the springs hold the flights onn so firmly that the flight of an incoming dart didn't pop off. In fact it is quite common for the flight to pop off and flutter to the ground with or without the springs. z.

Mac said...

Damn, that kinda crap happened to me twice in last weeks game ... once even in the triple20 segment.

Zeeple said...

I've never liked the rule that the point has to be "in" the bristle. I think the rule should rather read: "The dart must be clearly connected with a single segment of the board" to account for robin hoods. Such spectacular feats should be rewarded not punished.